How I Set Up My DR650 Setup for the Trip Out West


Here is how I have set up my bike for the trip out west. I have set it up to fit me well so what I did might not work for everyone but from my experience with the bike it should be a pretty good setup.

My list of modifications are listed here. Click on a link if available for details.100_0597

100_0599The bike seems to be set up well now. I changed the oil, put on a new set of Trailwing tires, and topped off the scottoiler tank with chainsaw bar oil. I also went over the bike making sure I didn’t find anything wrong. The windshield I am not totally sure about yet. I just modified the mounting holes today by adding a large number of holes to choose from. So I can raise the shield up pretty far from stock. I am 6’4 so having the shield a lot higher than the stock location is a must to keep the buffeting wind down to something tolerable.100_0598

I will be wearing my Olympia gear and keep my 120GB Zune on an armband on my right forearm. My phone and laptop will be in the topcase so they are protected from weather. If it rains I will put the Zune in a bag then insert it into the arm band. The Garmin Zumo is waterproof so it doesn’t need anything special to run in the rain. I still have a few days to find a better way to seal up the Zune before the trip so I might find something better for it.

For tools I will have the stock toolkit with a few minor additions. A set of allen wrenches and tire spoons are really the only additional tools I feel I need. The allen wrenches will fit in the stock tool carrier and the tire spoons will be clamped to the frame with a few pipe clamps. The clamps will also be holding on some coat hanger wire and a few feet of electrical wire. I will have a half roll of duct tape and a roll of electrical tape with me as well.

My next post will be on what I am packing and planning on using this trip. It should be up soon.